How To Sell On Qoo10
Uncategorized May 10, 2019, Comments OffAs a new member of Qoo10’s online selling platform, I wanted to keep myself updated with how the whole system operates and decided to take up a training course hosted by Conversion Hub dubbed “How to sell on Qoo10”. There has been a buzz all over Singapore about Conversion Hubs all over Singapore’s digital circles. The company has a great review for its courses and its results-oriented approach to dealing with the online businesses.
In my desire to promote healthy living, I started an online shop that deals with healthy eating products. However, I did not know the first or second thing about what to do with the shop or how to do it. The course by one of the best Digital Marketing Singapore was very attractive for me since it is designed for people at different levels in their online business. The first day kicked off with an introduction to E-commerce market places and traffic generation and analysis to these markets.
First Impression of the Conversion Hub’s Course on making sales
I have worked in the training industry for most of my adult life mostly as a training facilitator. Hence, I can easily dissect how well training will go within the first ten minutes. Conversion Hub has a way with their courses. The first ten minutes lure you in and do not make you feel overwhelmed. A simple introduction on ‘how to sell on Qoo10’ kick-started the course and the presentation was clearly well thought of. I did not get bored and definitely did not rule it out within this short time.
The team that takes on this particular course is well versed with the topic. This knows how on the topic was very clear from their transition from one part of the training to the next and the general presentation. I have to say, this was one of the best training courses I have attended in a very long time.
Is making Actual Sales Possible on Qoo10 possible?
This question was definitely in my mind before I opened up my account on Qoo10. However, from the training, my morale was higher than ever and I really looked forward to making some sales. Two months later, true to their word, Conversion Hub’s tips on making sales on this platform have paid off. I have had a number of return customers and enjoy the benefit of a growing clientele. The training advised members to focus on the details which would make up the bigger picture eventually.
I would advise anyone looking to make sales in different platforms as offered by Conversion Hub to attend e-commerce course Singapore. This will not only be a bold move for you as a person but also puts your business in a better position for greatness. In the end, we all want to better our entities regardless of what we sell. Remember, the online space is constantly changing. This change means that you have to be on your toes with new developments in the sector. Information forms a great part of business success and plays a major role in making business.