Different Types Of Hats Available For Men
Uncategorized April 16, 2018, Comments OffWhether you are dressing for a casual or formal event, a hat is an inexpensive and easy accessory that can make a big different in your appearance. It is more like an icing on the top while it comes to men’s fashion. Yes, functionality is the prime purpose of a hat. But fashion is quite close to second.
Below are some of the most popular fashionable trends in the men’s hats:
- Flat caps
The flat cap has a small brim with a high back and a round shape overall. It is a style that was made popular by the working class in the UK in the early 1900s. The look is very much similar to a newsboy cap but flatter. This is a great look to go for if a newsboy cap looks to puffy on the wearer. Flat caps help lend visual interest to any casual attire, such as a woolen sweater and pair of jeans.
- Newsboy Caps
A newsboy cap is an amazing look for fall. They are usually made of wool blend, and can also be found in tweed, corduroy and leather. The most popular colors for such caps are green, red, gray, brown and black. For a cool autumn walk, you can try adding a woolen blend newsboy cap to an attire of corduroy pants, a cotton shirt, and a dark denim jacket, with a woolen scarf looped around your neck.
- Derby Hats or Bowler
Bowler hats are made of felt and are quite hard to touch. This makes them amazing, long lasting pieces of apparel; nevertheless, they are not the best option for travel, as they are not crushable as several other softer materials. Bowler/Derby hats have a distinct rounded crown and a short brim. They are more of a British icon and were also popularized in US in the early 20th century.
There are several different types of hats such as Linen hats, sailor caps and even peaky blinders for which you can opt for, and you may actually wish to have different styles as part of your wardrobe. You can also experiment with different materials and fabrics based on your climate. For instance, if you live in a cool climate, you perhaps wish to look for a fedora hat in a heavy felted stuff, which is a trend that was made well-liked back in the 40s era. If you reside in a hot climate, you perhaps prefer a fedora that has been made using a woven paper cord or straw, as this can definitely protect you from the sun while still breathing and allowing the breeze through. Wearing a hat certain serves a purpose and the right one can greatly boost your physical stature and make you stand apart from others.