How to Improve the Quality of Teaching?

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When we talk about how to improve the quality of teaching and learning, we seem to be used to it, because it has been discussed for many years. However, the discussion itself is still lacking, not only in quantity, but also in quality, in terms of teaching methods. What are the reasons for this? In my view, the main reason for this is the lack of an ongoing mechanism for discussing teaching methods, but there are also many other social, cultural and economic reasons for this dilemma. Instead of exploring the reasons for this lack of methodological discussion, I will try to suggest four ways to improve the quality of teaching and learning that are highly general and applicable to different stages of education.

First of all, The Use of Modern Technology and Multimedia Techniques to Promote Diversity and Vibrancy in Education

We are now living in the “no life without technology” era, in other words, all aspects of our lives are closely connected with technology. Education, as an important part of human life, has a dependent relationship with technology. Let’s imagine that education before and after the advent of smartphones and computers has changed drastically. For example, today’s classrooms mostly use multimedia for teaching and learning, while teachers and students can stay in close contact with each other even outside the classroom through a number of educational platforms, emails, social media, etc. This has positive implications for education. There are two sides to everything, and if teachers don’t know how to use technology and multimedia effectively, they can only get half the results with twice the effort. What is an effective way to use technology and multimedia for teaching? Here I will mention a few software programs that are important to help teachers teach and liven up the classroom as well as promote student engagement and participation. These apps include Tether, Google Hangout, Evernote, Augmented Reality, etc. Teachers and students can benefit from the user-friendly nature of these apps. In addition, PEDAGOGISM, as an important educational social networking platform, provides teachers, students, parents, and others with a convenient space for discussion about education and academics, which is important for teaching, learning and research.

In addition, Promote Students as Active Learners

There is a consensus that students, as the main body of education, need to be able to become active learners rather than passive recipients. However, in the real world of education, regional, cultural, economic and historical differences make it difficult to apply this concept universally. In some countries, the teachers are always the authority and key person in teaching, while the students’ initiative is erased, which has many negative effects on education in the long run. The discussion of student initiative is crucial to the development of education. How can students be motivated to participate in learning? First, we need to face the many challenges that students face in today’s media society. The reason is that if students spend too much time on media consumption it will reduce the time they have to devote to learning. At the same time, teachers should be able to think from the students’ point of view, as this is an important driver of motivation and initiative. Specifically, if teachers are able to think about teaching from the student’s perspective, they will constantly be thinking about how to make the student the key of their teaching, which is an important way of experiencing empathy. It is not enough to think about teaching from the students’ point of view, because teachers need to communicate regularly and deeply with their students, not only inside the classroom, but also outside it. Teachers can communicate with students in a variety of ways, such as office hours, emails, video calls, etc. In short, how to make students active learners is not only a matter of how well teachers do their job in the classroom, but also how well they communicate with students outside of the classroom.

What is more, Experience-Based Teaching Methods

Today’s society can be called an experiences-oriented society, in other words, user experience is very important, both online and offline. In fact, this kind of experience is also extremely important for the improvement of teaching and learning. Experience-based learning is not a recent phenomenon, but it is a topic of great interest lately. Through the discussion of experiences at different learning stages and in different countries, more and more people are realizing that experience-based learning can be applied to most types of teaching, from primary school to university. What is experience-based teaching? This type of teaching focuses on students experiencing knowledge rather than remembering it, as knowledge gained through experience is easily understood and remembered. This can be very helpful in teaching different subjects. For example, in a history course, in addition to classroom lectures and discussions, the teacher can take students to visit historical monuments to experience history in person, which allows them to experience history in a presence that inspires them to think about history and the present. “History is incomplete without the experience of history”. This statement may seem difficult to achieve, but it is entirely possible if we can incorporate experience into the teaching of history. Of course, many other courses can be taught using this method as well, such as geography, archaeology and even math physics, etc. This requires the teacher to be able to take into account the balance and integration of individualization and universality in his or her practice. Of course, in some courses, teachers can also use technological software to make it an enjoyable experience for students without leaving school. In any case, experience-based teaching is an important way to motivate students and bring boring classroom knowledge to life.

Last but not least, Enabling Teachers to Fully Experience the Fun of Education.

When we talk about teaching, we take it for granted that teachers must enjoy the process of teaching so much that they want to become teachers. There are many reasons to become a teacher, and that doesn’t mean that all teachers enjoy teaching or love teaching. There are many reasons to become a teacher, and this does not mean that all teachers enjoy teaching or love teaching. If this problem is not solved, how can teachers be truly engaged in teaching? This brings us to the very important question of how to make teaching fun for the teacher. This question may seem unattainable, as you would think that the question of whether or not teachers can enjoy teaching is a very personal and subjective one, and that we cannot force all teachers to enjoy the process of teaching. It’s an important but worry-free question. The reason is that it is not only up to the teacher to make teaching enjoyable, but also to create an atmosphere. In other words, schools need to train their teachers in teaching methods and, above all, in how to have fun, and the trainers must be outstanding. At the same time, it is important that teachers have regular discussions about the joy of teaching, and that problems are brought up for discussion and ideas are put forward to solve problems together. Without a sense of community, it is difficult for teachers to know how to make teaching fun. In addition, teachers should be able to review their own teaching experience after each lesson, and to communicate to their students what they have learned about the joy of teaching. This is because teaching and learning is a two-way process, and both students and teachers need to experience the joy of education together in a kind of mutual communication.

There are many ways to improve teaching methods, and the four methods I have mentioned above are very general and applicable. However, in the process of teaching, teachers should constantly improve and personalize these methods according to the actual teaching experience and results. In any case, how to improve the quality of teaching is a systemic topic that requires the joint efforts of teachers, schools and students. The idea is to think differently, to think globally, to think individually and to think technically in order to improve the quality of teaching.

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